Successful leaders understand that they do not do it alone. They value the members of their team and are acutely aware of the importance of intentional team building. They seek out a diverse pool of talent and draw on those talents to move the organization forward.
Far too often people who ascend into a position of leadership fall into one of the following categories:
1) The Oligarch
This is a very harsh term but, sadly, appropriate. People in the category see themselves and their leadership position as part of a privileged few who possess power and decision making without the need nor the input from those 'lower' than they are. This mindset breeds discontent and mistrust and ultimately leads to the organization's downfall.
2) The Dictator
And here we have an even harsher term that too often is present in the mindset of those in a leadership position. People in the category crave and need absolute control. They view the power of their position as almost a divine right, much as the monarchs of old. They have no tolerance nor time for their subordinates and operate through fear, intimidation, and belittlement.
3) The Narcissist
These people are all about themselves. They are self-serving and if they do consult other people, it is only to find out how that person can make them look good and advance them personally. The only reason the advancement of the organization matters is to add to their own personal advancement. Their reaction to organizational success is 'Look what I did'! They do not care about the welfare or advancement of others.
4) The Lone Ranger
These people feel like they have to do it all themselves. They are not really coming at it from a position of power bur from a position of perceived competence. They truly believe that no one else can do it right so they fell like they have to do it themselves. They are often highly successful and lauded as an amazing transformational leader due to their ability to accomplish goals and get things done. They are driven. It is not that they don't value others, they just view them as not able to get the job done as well as they can so they end up neglecting the members of the team. Usually, the organization flourishes as long as the leader is there but once the leader leaves, the organization implodes because the Lone Ranger was doing everything and now on one knows what to do or how to do it.
Effective leaders understand that it is critical to develop a collaborative team that works together as a unit to achieve the mission and goals of the organization. It is an old cliché but it is true: Teamwork makes the Dream work!