Why another blog on leadership? I'm glad you asked!
Over the past few years I have considered jumping into the world of blogging. After several false starts, I have decided that I need to discipline myself to do it and do it now...an important leadership point for another blog post.
Having said all that, I have been teaching and studying leadership all of my professional life. It is what I know and do, so, if for no other reason, this gives me a venue to write and share what is on my mind and what I am still learning (leaders are always learning, they never "arrive"!)
So, here is an opening salvo regarding my thoughts and beliefs on leadership:
* Leadership development is a process.
* Leadership is developed over time one step at a time.
* "Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less." ~~John C. Maxwell
* Everyone has leadership potential
* "Everyone is called upon to lead in some capacity sooner of later in life." ~~ Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward
* Leadership and Management are two separate things and are not synonyms!
As I venture into the blogoshere, I intend to explore these and other leadership concepts in detail.
Stay tuned! Here we go!!
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