Appreciating People is the next quality that Brady and Woodward include in the Trilateral Leadership Ledger's factor of Relationships.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines appreciate as: to understand the worth or importance of (something or someone) : to admire and value (something or someone).
Accepting people, approving of people, and appreciating people is really the trifecta of human relationships when it comes to effective leadership. We have previously discussed the need for acceptance and approval. These are critical; however, I would argue that without appreciation, the other two are incomplete. Plain and simple, people want to be sincerely appreciated. When they are, there is no end to what they will do to further the vision, mission, and goals of the team.
The effective leader understands that goals are not achieved in a vacuum: the leader does not do it alone. It is also important to note that once the team and its members contribute their time, skills, talents, and expertise, they want to feel appreciated for their efforts. The astute leader not only recognizes this, they truly are appreciative of all that others contribute. AND... the expression of appreciation must be sincere and from the heart. The old adage "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" is so very true. People can spot insincere praise a mile away and it will destroy credibility and rapport.
Effective leaders sincerely appreciate the members of their team and offer heart felt praise liberally!
Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward: "Launching a Leadership Revolution." Business Plus. New York. p.97
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