Friday, January 14, 2022

Courage: Doing the right thing for the right reasons

I have previously discussed courage as an important leadership trait when it comes to character.  I think it is important enough to dive into it even deeper.

In my previous post, I concluded with "In essence, courage is doing what needs to be done, doing the right thing, even when it is uncomfortable and/or unpopular.  Effective leaders learn to develop this skill and practice it when necessary!"  

 Having courage takes courage!  Huh?  How does that work.

As General Dunwoody stated in her book A Higher Standard, having courage means having the guts (courage) to do what is right for all the right reasons.  Far too many people in leadership positions will either 'wimp out' and do what is expedient and/or popular even when they know it is not the right thing to do or they will end up doing the right thing but for the wrong reasons, often to promote some self serving agenda that they may have.  

Courage for a leader is essential.  People are watching.  When they see you consistently 'do the right thing for the right reasons', they will follow you, they will buy into your vision and direction, and they will buy in to you!  Everybody wins.  

However, when they see you compromise the doing right thing or just ignore doing the right thing, they develop mistrust, dissension, and animosity.  The culture becomes toxic.  The best people will leave and the rest will constantly 'duck and cover' so as not to be noticed and make waves.  The organization becomes highly reactive with very little, if any, proactive planning and implementation.  Productivity grinds to a halt and usually ends up going backwards.  Everybody loses!

Having courage is not a luxury, it is a necessity.  Great leaders have, as the General so accurately stated, "...the guts to do the right thing for the right reasons."

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