Courage is the next quality that Brady and Woodward include in the Trilateral Leadership Ledger's factor of Character.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines courage as: the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous; mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
Courage is often thought of synonymous with bravery, and while that is partially true, it is so much more. Courage, from a leadership perspective, often means going against the grain--- swimming against the current--- going up the down escalator so to speak. Effective leaders frequently see things that others do not and must forge forward in spite of the naysayers and critics who tell you in can't be done. Success and innovation is full of stories where effective leaders bucked the conventional wisdom and forged new ground.
Courage can be acquired. In his book Courage: the backbone of leadership author Gus Lee states; Courage is a learned quality, an acquirable set of skills, a practiced competence.
Winston Churchill is quoted as having said Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees all the others.
Further, Carey D. Lohrenz, one of the first female Tomcat pilots in the US Navy, puts it this way; ...courage often involves the display of candor: being willing to have the tough conversations, to give hard feedback. Courage can mean speaking up even when you know the existing culture won’t support you. Courage also means admitting when you were wrong and holding yourself accountable.
Courage is an essential factor to Character, and it can be developed. As Peter Nivio Zarlenga famously stated, Action conquers fear!
In essence, courage is doing what needs to be done, doing the right thing, even when it is uncomfortable and/or unpopular. Effective leaders learn to develop this skill and practice it when necessary!
Excerpt From: Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward: "Launching a Leadership Revolution." Business Plus. New York. p.96
Excerpt From: Carey Lohrenz. "Fearless Leadership.:
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