Tenacity is the next quality that Brady and Woodward include in the Trilateral Leadership Ledger's factor of Tasks.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines Tenacity as: the quality or state of being tenacious
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines Tenacious as:
1 : not easily stopped or pulled apart : firm or strong
: continuing for a long time
: very determined to do something
Effective leaders are determined and passionate about getting the job done. They will do whatever needs to be done. Setbacks won't stop them. Unfounded criticism won't stop them. Risk of failure won't stop them. Threats won't stop them. They are committed to doing the right thing and will pursue it with a vengeance. They won't stop until the task is successfully completed. They will get the job done.
There is a great little book entitled The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How to Be One. In it the main character is given a difficult task and faces what many would consider insurmountable obstacles. If you have not read it, I strongly recommend it. It will give you a first hand look at the value of tenacity.
Leadership tenacity is critical because it sets and example for others who are watching. The leaders commitment, passion, and drive are contagious. Others will follow and together the task will get done!
Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward: "Launching a Leadership Revolution." Business Plus. New York. p.97
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