Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Leaders Create a Healthy Environment

If you have been around long enough, you will have experienced a variety of work cultures and environments: some good, some not so good!  The good ones are fairly easy to identify.  People want to be there and work there and they feel good about the place and the people with whom they work.  The not so good ones breed complaining, apathy, anxiety, stress, tension, and/or a variety of other negative feelings and emotions.  They cause people to really not want to be there.

There is a general consensus among leadership pundits that the leader is, at least in part, responsible for the culture and work environment.  Effective leaders strive to create a work place where people feel valued, important, and productive.  This is a win-win.  On the one hand, people who feel positive about their work environment will be more productive, will work harder, and will strive to do their best and go the extra mile to get things done.  The other side of this is that the leader and the organization benefit by having higher productivity and a stellar reputation.  It becomes a place where the best and the brightest want to go to work and be part of a winning team.

As a leader it is your responsibility to create a positive environment.  This does not mean that everybody always gets their way.  I once worked for a supervisor whom I greatly respected because of the environment that was created.  I did not agree with every decision that was made by them, but, I ALWAYS felt that I was heard.  That's leadership.  That's creating a positive environment.  That is what it is all about!

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