Friday, December 8, 2023

Effective Leaders are NOT Ego Driven


Effective leaders check their ego at the door.  We all have an ego, it is only natural.  The key here is that effective leaders are focused on the vision, the culture, the health of the organization and, most importantly, the people before their own self interests.  Their ego takes a back door.

I have quoted this before, but it is so apropos his best selling book The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren opens with "It's not about you." (p 17), and it's not.  Too many people who have leadership positions are so ego driven that they cannot see the good of the organization past their own self-interests.  It is the antithesis of Warren's statement; it is all about them.  They see everything through a lens of self-serving cause and effect. 

Unfortunately, these individuals are so caught up in feeding their own ego that they are blinded to the successes that occur which they did not initiate or orchestrate.  Success, to them, is only measured by how an event or activity serves and promotes their individual agenda and advancement.  They can't, or won't, recognize and celebrate the successes initiated by someone else.  If they were not responsible for it, it is of no consequence to them.  Sad!!

The effective leader celebrates successes regardless of their source.  In fact, they are thrilled when success results from the ideas and efforts of someone else because it has a positive effect on the organization and it is a sign of growth and development of a colleague and team member.  They get sincere satisfaction from the successes of others.

Effective leaders make a conscience effort to NOT place their ego at the forefront of everything and to NOT view everything in relationship to their own ego.  The effective leader will inevitably have a bruised ego from time to time, but they are willing to sacrifice their ego for the advancement and celebration of others!

To be an effective leader, you need to check your ego at the door!

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