Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Influence is Earned

John C. Maxwell states that "Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less." (1)  Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward offer that "Leadership in the influencing of others in a productive, vision-driven direction, and is done thorough the example, conviction, and character of the leader.". (2) Peter G. Northouse writes "Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal." (3).  There is near universal consensus that influence is essential to effective leadership.  If we accept this concept (which I do), then the question begs to be asked, how is this influence achieved?  Good question!  Let's unpack it!

I would offer that the following points are a good starting place for developing influence.  Most, if not all, of these concepts can be found in the wide body of literature that exists on leadership and leadership development.  I offer them here as a combined, condensed resource.

1) Earning influence requires trust which comes from character.

I have written at length on character as a factor of effective leadership.  If you missed it, go back and see my entries on character as I was discussing the Trilateral Leadership Ledger presented in Launching a Leadership Revolution by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward. 

People must trust you if you ever hope to have influence with them.  Remember, trust is that element that takes a very long time to establish and can be destroyed in seconds.

2) Earning influence comes from building strong, positive relationships.

Again, I have written extensively on this when discussing the LLR. 

Relationship building is a process that also takes time.  Relationships are built on trust, openness, and honesty.  The effective leader works hard at sincerely building strong, lasting relationships.

3) Earning influence requires a leader to have vision, purpose, and know where they are going.

People will not buy in to a leader who does not have a vision and direction for the organization.  In order to earn influence from the members of an organization, the leader must have and communicate a clear understanding of where it is they are trying to take the organization, AND, the leader MUST inspire people to want to follow them and be a part of the end result.

Influence cannot be demanded.  Influence cannot be bestowed.  Influence must be earned.  It is earned through trust, relationships, and having and communicating a clear vision and direction.

(1) The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (1998 Edition) by John C. Maxwell p.17

(2) Launching a Leadership Revolution by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward p.7

(3) Introduction to Leadership (5th Edition) by Peter G. Northouse p.6

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